CM19 Soccer offers three different training and coaching programs. Our most popular training program is our Paid Trainer Coach (PTC) program. This is for travel soccer teams looking for a full-time trainer and coach. Our PTC program includes two 90-minute team trainings per week, all league games coached, and two tournaments coached (includes state cup tournaments, one-day tournaments, and weekend tournaments). Also required of our PTC staff is weekly email communication with team parents to introduce training goals and objectives as well as feedback about the team’s progress toward mastering these goals and objectives in league games and tournament games. Additionally, all PTC coaches are required (if agreed upon by team/club) to complete and distribute individual player evaluations to all members of the team at the conclusion of the fall and spring seasons.
Similar to the Paid Trainer Coach Program is the Modified Paid Trainer Coach (MPTC) program. The biggest difference with this program is that the team has a carded parent coach working with the CM19 staff member at trainings but only a handful of games (determined by team and/or club) are coached by CM19, leaving all other league games and tournaments coached by the parent coach. This program is ideal for teams who have an experienced and reliable parent coach who is willing and capable to coach on the weekends or for teams who share the same trainer and want to alleviate some of the potential weekend scheduling conflicts. Like the PTC program, all MPTC coaches are required (if agreed upon by team/club) to communicate weekly with parents regarding training goals and objects as well as complete and distribute individual player evaluations to all members of the team at the conclusion of the fall and spring seasons. All games are considered 90-minute sessions due to travel time, warm-ups, and post-game coach talks.
The third program CM19 Soccer offers is our Training Only (TO) program. As the title suggests, teams can elect the TO program if they have a carded parent coach in place and only want/need a trainer for weeknight training sessions. The team/club can determine at the beginning of each season how many 60-minute or 90-minute sessions they would like to purchase from CM19 Soccer with one of our staff. CM19 Soccer requires all staff and teams using the TO program to complete all sessions before season-end and our policy is that no sessions can be carried over from one season to the next. CM19 staff working with TO teams are NOT required to complete individual player evaluations or provide parents with weekly communication. Instead, they are encouraged to work alongside the parent coach at training sessions and have the parent coach communicate training goals and objectives with the parents.
NOTE: All three training programs require a year-long commitment to CM19 and our staff. Typically a year-long program begins with summer training and proceeds through the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Following the spring season, the team, the club, and CM19 Soccer will address and reflect on the past year to determine if change is wanted/needed.